10 Things We Learned From Eric Bischoff's Starrcade 1997 Podcast

6. Bischoff Thought Curt Hennig Vs. DDP Was The Best Match

Starrcade 1997
WWE Network

Eric Bischoff's favourite match wasn't Hogan vs. Sting or Malenko vs. Guerrero, and it certainly wasn't Goldberg vs. Steve McMichael. No, it was the United States Title showdown between Curt Hennig and Diamond Dallas Page, the latter of whom was rapidly getting over with the WCW audience.

The Wrestling Observer disagreed wholeheartedly.

Dave Meltzer reported that the live crowd were dead throughout the match, which is pretty shocking; re-watch Hennig vs. Page and you'll see that Dave is full of sh*t here. People, especially on the hard cam side, were invested in the match and dying to see DDP bag a championship.

Bischoff called it a "textbook match", loved the psychology of Hennig putting over the Diamond Cutter's threat in the early moments and took Meltzer to task for his negative comments. On this occasion, he's right. Hennig vs. DDP is a hidden gem if there ever was one.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.