10 Things We Learned From Kenny Omega On Talk Is Jericho

1. Vince McMahon Didn't Get The 'Alpha vs. Omega' Branding

chris jericho

Vince McMahon had a vested interest in what happened at Wrestle Kingdom 12, not that Jericho needed nor sought his permission to begin with - and surely would have asked his employee to report back on the skills of Kenny Omega. He wasn't keen on that 'Alpha vs. Omega' branding though - oh no.

Jericho told on the podcast that Vince feared people "wouldn't get" what the word 'Alpha' meant, or how it related to Jericho's on screen character. In typical WWE fashion, McMahon then named his own new media venture Alpha Entertainment. Jericho got a chuckle out of that, because it was classic Vince.

In fairness, McMahon didn't need to like that aspect of the build. Whether he enjoyed it or not, thousands more wrestling fans did and Jericho's branding of the match helped sell the New Japan show to a whole load of new customers. That's all that matters in the end.

Now, if you'll excuse us, we're away to look up the word 'Omega' in the nearest dictionary.

What else did you learn from Kenny Omega's appearance on Talk Is Jericho? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.