10 Things We Learned From Martha Hart On Talk Is Jericho

10. 'Martha, It's A Mouse!'

Owen Hart

There are countless stories about how Owen would rib the boys backstage in locker rooms all over the globe, but it turns out he couldn't resist a little prank back home either. Martha told Jericho that he had one favourite rib in particular, and it never failed to scare the living sh*t out of her.

Like any devious prankster, Owen paid attention to what made his wife yelp. She couldn't stomach mice, and recoiled at the mere sight of one, so Hart would tape teabags to the inside of the cupboard door and wait for the inevitable screams of horror from Martha.

She thought the teabag's string was a tail, and it got her every time.

Owen's son Oje (named in honour of Hart's own childhood nickname that mixed 'Owen' and 'James') has picked up his dad's fondness for pranks. Martha didn't reveal if he ever kept the mouse trick going though, or has used it on anyone else.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.