10 Things We Learned From Randy Orton On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions Podcast
6. Randy Kept Thumbtacks From Backlash 2004
Never watch the hardcore bout between Orton and Mick Foley from Backlash when you're eating lasagne. That's a pro tip there, and Randy had another for any aspiring pro wrestlers out there: ALWAYS keep mementos from your matches, even if they hurt like f*ck at the time.
He told Austin that he pocketed a handful of thumbtacks after Backlash 2004.
Randy said that his father had never kept anything from his own career, and his boy could never understand why. So, when Orton became a wrestler himself, he promised he'd have some souvenirs to look back on someday. That's why he decided to scoop up some of those jagged little tacks and keep them back home.
That bloody brawl was a coming-of-age moment for Randy as a worker too. It showed he wasn't just a 'pretty boy' type, but could be relied upon to put in a shift when WWE needed it. He's still very thankful that Mick took care of him as best he could too.