10 Things We Learned From Sami Zayn On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

8. His Bret Hart Worry

Steve Austin Sami Zayn Broken Skull Sessions

What do you think was going through Sami's head as he lay on that mouse trap table? The pain? Just how well the trap-laden finish would come across? What he was gonna have for his post-'Mania meal? Nah, none of that. Zayn was only thinking of one thing.

"I wonder what Bret Hart would think of this?".

The WWE star hasn't spoken to his childhood hero about that match with Knoxville, but he knows Bret is a serious wrestling guy who'd probably look down on the comedic aspects. Backstage in Texas, Vince McMahon described the match as a "work of art" and Sami got a standing ovation, but he'd love to know what the 'Hitman' thinks.

Somebody out there needs to sit down with Hart and show him Zayn vs. Knoxville. It'd be incredible to watch his facial expressions as the match unfolded. If he hates it, then immediately roll tape of his sh*tshow vs. McMahon from 2010.

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Sami Zayn
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