10 Things We Learned From Sami Zayn On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

4. His Hilarious Undertaker Story

Steve Austin Sami Zayn Broken Skull Sessions
WWE Network

On the 4 December 2014 episode of NXT, Sami cut a fiery promo on Neville about their upcoming match. During the rant, he slapped his rival and got really into it - Zayn remembers thinking it was good, but wasn’t sure if anybody else backstage would.

The Undertaker had his back though, but there's a funny story tied to that.

Kevin Owens later told Sami that 'Taker popped his head into the busy Gorilla area behind the curtain and shouted, "They're out there selling some f*cking tickets!". Nobody really heard him, because they were all so invested in the promo, and KO watched as 'The Deadman' "became human" for a second.

Trying again, The Undertaker shouted once more and everybody popped. They heard it that time! It must've been so strange for Owens to sit back and watch one of the biggest locker room leaders in WWE history be completely ignored by a bunch of ex-indy guys.

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Sami Zayn
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