10 Things We Learned From Samoa Joe On Talk Is Jericho

3. Thoughts On Vince Russo

It's rare that we get a wrestler appearance on a podcast or a shoot interview without them being asked their opinion on one of the most controversial and polarizing figures in the history of the business. The question posed was "How was your experience with Vince Russo? Do you think he helped the company?" Joe says that his interactions with Russo were good, despite the fact that he didn't always agree with the ideas he presented, and says he did what he could to work with him. He mentions Russo trashing him in interviews after he was ousted from his secret position at TNA, where he called Joe unmotivated and says he never made a point to say anything bad about Russo in return. He feels that sometimes Vince was "used as a shield for other people's booking", pointing out that the "Fire Russo" chants were sometimes taking place during matches he had nothing to do with. For what it's worth, he says that Russo did apologize - citing that he was stressed and angry over being fired - and considers it water under the bridge.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.