10 Things We Learned From Speaking To Eli Drake

1. The Fun And Freedom Of The NWA

Eli Drake NWA

From watching at home, everybody in the NWA seems to be hugely enjoying themselves - and Eli Drake couldn't help from grinning like a Cheshire cat as he regaled us with just how much of a blast he's having right now with the National Wrestling Alliance.

When asked the simple question of how much fun he was having, Drake beamed, "I don't know how evident it is, [but] I feel that when I watch this stuff back I can see how much fun I'm having. And I am, because it's some of the most fun I've had in my career. Partially because there's a lot of trust there. Billy and Lagana really trust what the talent are doing, but particularly with me, just because we have a history, we know each other, we've worked together before."

On the creative freedom afforded to the NWA roster, Eli added, "I can remember the very first day we all showed up in Atlanta. Billy was just, 'I want you guys to take chances. Aside from maybe creating your own storylines that we haven't approved, within the confines of the storylines we want you to take chances, to do stuff, and to create within that space.'"

The current co-holder of the NWA Tag Team Championships continued, "It's just been a lot of fun. I've felt free. That audience is crazy. It's not a big room, but everybody in there is super passionate and loud and excited about everything that's going on. And that just makes everything so much better, because they're so invested, they're hanging on every word you're saying, they're hanging on every move."

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.