10 Things We Learned From The Revolt On Talk Is Jericho

2. WWE's Rationale For The New Look

The Revival

Cash did say he would've played the new characters until his contract ran out, but added that he told Vince he wasn't going to sign an extension. Dax, meanwhile, was even less turned on by the idea of wearing lipstick, a do-rag and carrying glowsticks to the ring.

Even so, they can understand what WWE were going for.

They'd been complaining on screen for months about being taken seriously, and had even said something like, 'If you want us to be clowns, then we'll be clowns'. That one promo, one designed to disparage WWE's "ha-ha" approach to tag wrestling, stirred something in McMahon. His vision for the new look was that The Revival would be dressing that way out of spite.

Their frosty response to the pitch changed everything. That meeting took place on Friday (before an episode of SmackDown), and The Revival were informed that WWE were pulling them from the road the very next Wednesday. Apparently, Vince didn't like that they'd laughed at his idea.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.