10 Things We Learned From The Undertaker On Ryan Satin’s Podcast

5. ‘Taker Used To Sleep In Caskets

The Undertaker Ryan Satin Out Of Character
WWE Network

This is not a joke.

Some of the WWF's TV days were long and arduous. In between takes on promos/matches, The Undertaker would find a quiet corner and go for a snooze. Often, depending on where they were in the building at the time, he'd lay down in one of the prop caskets and drift off.

This happened "on more than one occasion", and 'Taker loved it when the company brought in a coffin specially made for someone massive like Yokozuna. Hopefully, those roomy tombs had support/a bottom, because Bruce Prichard once said on his own podcast that the caskets were hellish on his back.

They don't need to be cosy - they're for the deceased! Imagining a knackered 'Phenom' sleeping in custom-made prop coffins is funny though. He loved doing that, because no-one would bother him when he was in one of the things.

One has to wonder why. Surely that wasn't unnerving for overworked production staff at all...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.