10 Things We Learned From VICE’s Dark Side Of The Ring: Jimmy Snuka

9. Louise Argentino Warned Her Sister

VICE Dark Side Of The Ring Jimmy Snuka Louise Argentino

Nancy Argentino's family thought Jimmy Snuka was "strange".

Whenever the wrestler would come over to the family house for a visit, he'd sit quietly in the corner and wouldn't speak to anybody but Nancy. Her mother, Caroline, liked him despite calls from everyone else that he wasn't exactly friendly. Meanwhile, Nancy's step-father Ralph had his doubts about the man.

Nancy's sister Louise would see his point of view after an altercation with the WWF star. One day, when both parents were away, she returned home to see Jimmy and Nancy enjoying some Chinese food. Joining in, Louise sat down and started chatting, only for Snuka to get real intense, reach his hand out like he was grabbing her throat and say, "I could...".

Louise was upset, and she dashed upstairs to the bathroom. When Nancy came up to check on her, Louise advised that she get rid of Snuka. Later, Jimmy apologised and said he had a gift. It was cocaine, which Louise turned down and again warned her sister.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.