10 Things We Learned From "WWE 24" About WrestleMania 30

2. The Connor Michalek Story Was Very Inspiring

Connor was battling cancer for four years. His father shared the info that he didn't have much time left in his life. Daniel Bryan talked about meeting Connor in Pittsburgh because Connor said that Daniel was was his favorite wrestlers. There were videos shown of Connor putting Bryan in the Yes Lock. It's awesome to see Bryan interacting with him like that. There was a sweet moment where Connor asked Batista to promise not to hurt Daniel Bryan. He was a creative kid. Stephanie McMahon said they came up with the idea to invite Connor to WrestleMania. His dad said that WrestleMania weekend was a time when he could forget that Connor was sick and it was a time in his life when Connor had so much fun. After Bryan's win in the main event, he sought out Connor in the crowd. Connor's dad said he was hoping Bryan would see them, so it sounds like it wasn't planned and Bryan just did it when he saw him there. Bryan to Connor: "You helped me tonight. Thank you very much. You're the man okay." He told Connor to keep fighting. Connor gave him a big hug. Following his death, WWE created the Connor's Cure foundation. It was a very nice of them to do that. For more info visit: givetochildrens.org/CONNORSCURE Here's a video tribute WWE did for Connor after he died. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqaWjmsSJUk At the end of the broadcast, they said it was dedicated to the memory of Connor Michalek 2005-2014.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.