10 Things We Learned From WWE 24: Edge

10. What Daily Life Was Like Post-Retirement

Edge retirement

After retiring in 2011, Edge contemplated what to do next.

It took him a good year before he was ready for follow-up surgery that'd fuse vertebrae in his neck, but it was essential; before going under the knife, Edge was in pain every single day. In fact, his wife Beth Phoenix said that he couldn't go longer than three hours before having to lay flat and rest his neck.

The guy could barely even hold a coffee cup for long without feeling pain and pressure. Thankfully, when he finally went into hospital in 2012, surgery removed some of that pressure from his spinal column. When Edge woke up, he told Beth that he didn't have a headache. Incredibly, he didn't realise he'd even had one until the thumping pain wasn't there.

That's scary, and it shows just how important the treatment was. Before it, everyday life was bothersome, and that wouldn't do when Edge and Phoenix were trying to get on with their lives, raise a family and be happy with things.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.