10 Things We Learned From WWE 24 The Hardys: Woken

8. Matt Fell Asleep In His Food At WWE Catering

Matt Hardy
WWE Network

When Jeff's body gave out on him and he left WWE, it spelled disaster for his brother.

Going through similar problems himself, Matt fell into an intoxicating cycle of using pain medication to mask his exhaustion. One day at WWE catering, he even plunged head first into his meal and fell asleep in front of everyone there. To concerned friends like Big Show, that was agonising to watch, even more so because he didn't think he could do anything about it.

Show admitted to telling Matt that he could talk to him any time but shouldn't expect anyone else to have all the answers. Instead, Matt had to confront himself and start dealing with his problems head on. That's when WWE ran some harrowing footage of Matt stumbling over his words before a talking head segment backstage.

Hardy fans will find it difficult to watch their favourite falling into a drug-induced stupor as WWE producers ask if he's OK. This is the kind of controversial footage one might reasonably expect WWE to shy away from showing even when it's a crucial part of the story.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.