10 Things We Learned From WWE 24 The Hardys: Woken

3. It Took Around 15/16 Hours To Film Final Deletion

final deletion matt hardy
Impact Wrestling

Like a throwback to those old WCW vignettes ("Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal" and the "White Castle Of Fear"), the "Final Deletion" match Matt and Jeff worked in Impact Wrestling was over-the-top and totally ridiculous. In fairness, that's what made it so popular.

On the Network, Jeff admitted that he and Matt had grown apart a little just a few years before that run in TNA. By the time they were set to work their overblown brawl though, they were back on track and enjoying one another's company again.

That's probably why they spent between 15-16 hours filming the "Final Deletion". Both brothers were having a blast.

One interesting note here came from then-Impact Champion Drew McIntyre. Recognising the buzz his peers were creating with their ludicrous characters and fun-filled matches, the Scot said he found it impossible to follow them on shows.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.