10 Things We Learned From WWE 365: Alexa Bliss

5. The Hidden Meaning Behind Her MITB Win

Alexa Bliss

Erin pops up again in the doc when WWE examine Alexa's Money In The Bank win in the summer of 2018. That was the first time Erin had been there to see her best friend wrestle live, and she wouldn't have had she not overcome serious health problems herself.

Weeks before MITB, Erin went under the knife and had surgery to remove brain tumours.

Come the event, Bliss was more pleased about wrestling in front of Erin than she was about becoming 'Miss. Money In The Bank' or Raw Women's Champion later in the show. There's a sweet moment where Alexa and Erin catch up, and it's possible to see the glint in their eyes.

This was obviously a big night for both, and one they wouldn't soon forget. Following that emotional tale, Erin checks out of the documentary, but WWE stay with the same personal thread looking at Bliss' life away from the ring.

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Alexa Bliss
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