10 Things We Learned From WWE Elimination Chamber

9. The King Of The Ring Already Means Nothing

It was only in late-April that Bad News Barrett traded one moniker for another, becoming 'King' Barrett by winning the 2015 version of the King Of The Ring Tournament. Now, in early-June, the gimmick is already null and void, pretty much rendering the entire exercise ultimately pointless, and yet another nail hammered into the King Of The Ring coffin, which is truly sad to say. At Elimination Chamber, Barrett was allowed to look strong for a short period, hammering Dolph Ziggler and attacking R-Truth in his chamber, but by the time he had accidentally released Mark Henry from his pod, the fun and games were just about over for the Englishman. Unfortunately for 'King' Barrett, he came across as more of a pauper in the Elimination Chamber match to crown a new Intercontinental Champion. Even though he's held the belt previously, Barrett didn't really look like a strong contender to bag the gold once more, which shows how far he's fallen in recent times, something the 'King' gimmick hasn't stopped from happening.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.