10 Things We Learned From WWE’s Undertaker: The Last Ride (Chapter One)

5. Why Triple H Can Relate To His Cameo Struggles

Shawn Michaels Triple H

One thing 'The Last Ride' makes perfectly clear is that there's a lot of respect between The Undertaker and Triple H. One of the most poignant moments of the entire doc comes when Trips says he can relate to the fact that 'Taker's diminished WWE schedule only made things tougher on him as the years rolled on.

The exact same thing happened to him when he began pairing down his in-ring career somewhere between 2011-2012. Training hard for three-four months before a major match, putting your all into it, taking an age to recover and then working through injuries towards the next one was tougher for Triple H than working every night.

That's why he can sympathise with 'Taker's plight.

It's also probably why Hunter was the very first person waiting for his old foe behind the curtain at 'Mania 33 in Orlando. He knew what the battered and broken old stager had just been through, and he wanted to help him come down from that high as gently as he could.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.