10 Things We Learned From WWE’s Undertaker: The Last Ride (Chapter Two)

9. McMahon Told Him To "Quit Feeling Sorry For Himself"

Vince McMahon The Undertaker
WWE Network

There are countless scenes that show Vince and The Undertaker embracing behind the curtain, in offices or in front of other talent. They're almost like brothers at times, and that's something 'Taker says he wouldn't change for the world. Even so, there was one remark that stuck with him.

He'd have knocked someone else's block off had they said it.

Vince told 'Taker to "quit feeling sorry for himself" after years of tough matches, surgeries and personal self-doubt. This hurt like hell, mainly because 'The Deadman' knew his boss was absolutely right. He was feeling sorry for himself, and such self-pity was sucking him into a dark place he'd struggle to get out of.

This was some tough love from McMahon, and 'Taker needed it more than even he could've guessed. Though such brutal honesty may not have suited everyone (or be to some people's tastes), it awoke 'Taker from his slumbers and made him keen to kick ass again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.