10 Things We Learned From WWE's Undertaker: The Last Ride (Bonus Chapter)
10. The Illustrations Bring Everything To Life

WWE need to release comic books filled with these sketches. Seriously.
They're that good, and they helped give 'Tales From The Deadman' some serious charm. Bonus points must be dished out for including little gems like The Gobbledy Gooker sitting amongst others at 'Wrestler's Court', and the way the artist brought each unique character to life.
Bret Hart, Steve Austin, The Rock, Mick Foley, Kane, Kurt Angle, Vince McMahon and 'Taker himself all come across as beautifully-realised recreations of their real-life selves - it's stunning work, and it's the kind of thing hardcore fans would love to have framed on their bedroom walls.
Each pic, whether it's showing an irate 'Deadman' trying to snooze mid-flight or capturing his chemistry with old pal Paul Bearer, drips personality. Think the Network's 'Story Time' show, only with a little less Family Guy and a lot more love.