10 Things Wrong With Every Episode Of WWE Raw
8. Advert Overload
The reason RAW is three hours in length is because the epic duration lends itself to more commercial revenue. If they could get away with it, WWE would probably make the flagship seven hours long. A sobering thought. Let's hope the Law & Order and Modern Family repeats hold up their numbers in the 4-8PM slot.
Adverts are a necessary evil - but, in its wisdom, WWE shoehorn those breaks, unnecessarily, into the matches themselves, completely disrupting the flow of the action. RAW ratings have hovered just below the 3.0 mark, irrespective of how tiresome things get, because there is evidently a set number of people who are willing to put up with it. Those people aren't hanging on because they just have to find out whether Titus O'Neill can break the habit of a lifetime and win a wrestling match. Those breaks are so clearly telegraphed, by a heel catching a breather on the outside, that the illusion of realism is as dead in the water as momentum.
Recording the show and fast-forwarding through it barely helps - that button just reminds you that so much of it can be skipped...