10 Things WWE Can Learn From Wrestle Kingdom 12

6. Delivering On Expectation

Chris Jericho Kenny Omega Wrestle Kingdom 12

For wrestling fans outside of Japan, you probably have to go right back to the days when WCW was still alive and well to find a non-WWE match as well-anticipated as Chris Jericho's date with Kenny Omega at Wrestle Kingdom 12.

And, sure enough, NJPW delivered on all the pre-show hype, affording the pair a full half-an-hour in the ring, in which they conspired to put on a match that will probably rank right at the top of the end-year "best of" lists.

It's not like WWE ever deliberately sets out to let the fans down, of course, but too often over the recent past it has seemed like they are holding something back, content to put on a B+ show instead of pulling out all the stops and shooting for an A.

The consequence of this is that fans don't walk out of the arena desperate to tell all of their friends all about what they've just seen. Word of mouth is a marketing tool that has proved invaluable for New Japan over the last 12 months, and WWE could use some of that itself. The fact that it's a much bigger animal would only make the snowball effect even greater.
