10 Things WWE Did Right At WrestleMania 32

Hey, it wasn't all bad, come on now!

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Oof. Looks like a lot of folks out there didn't particularly care for WrestleMania 32. Combined with the pre-show, it was a night with six-and-a-half hours of wrestling, so you can't really blame fans for growing bored with it, can you? The inordinate amount of heels winning matches in the undercard was also a point of contention, as it seemed like WWE's braintrust wanted to make it clear that Roman Reigns was the only hero worth rooting for.

But let's be honest: was WrestleMania 32 really all that bad?

Frankly, I think we're all just overreacting here. The hashtags of 'cancelwwenetwork' and the vows to quit watching Raw, why I think they're just a bunch of hot air. Too many people out there in TV land fail to see the forest for the trees, and thus they miss the little subtleties that comprise the joys of an event like WrestleMania 32.

Yeah, maybe in the moment, some of us blew our stacks at some of the questionable booking decisions, and maybe we tweeted something out of anger that we wish we could take back, but let's start with a clean slate here and now. Let's look back at the events of this past Sunday night, and let's do so with our most glittery of gazes, shall we?

10. Zack Ryder Actually Won A Match

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See? It wasn't only heels that won matches in the undercard - Zack Ryder honest to goodness won the Intercontinental Championship! For those that say that WWE never listens to their fanbase, I hold this as evidence to the contrary. Just five years ago, Ryder was an aimless undercarder that made himself highly prolific with the aid of a self-produced weekly-internet series, and it captured everyone's imagination. Clearly there were big things ahead for the Long Island native.

And look at him now, he's the Intercontinental Champion. I know there's people out there that'll point out that Ryder slammed gelled-hair first into a glass ceiling and was left for dead for about four years by a callous office, but what does that matter? The important thing is that he's a winner now. Yes, he was a running gag from 2012 until, oh, Sunday night, but this clearly wipes away all of that negativity. Sometimes the line for a push is just really long.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.