10 Things WWE Fans Expected To See In 2017 (But Didn't)

1. Greater Respect For Kurt Angle's WWE Return

Kurt Angle Stephanie McMahon

Kurt Angle has been Raw's General Manager for 283 days (as of Thursday, January 11 of this year). That means the legend has been back in WWE for the same length of time, although you could count his Hall Of Fame induction and the announcement of that last January as part of his latest run. Whatever the case, it's rubbish he hasn't been treated better.

Poor Kurt has been on the receiving end of the same ball-cutting behaviour from Stephanie McMahon that Mick Foley was. Just like his predecessor as Raw General Manager, Angle has been written to take a verbal licking from Steph and then come back the next week asking for more like a sad puppy. Where's that fire we associate with the man?!

This isn't just a case of Angle not wrestling a singles match. That's forgivable: what isn't is making him look like a sad act who doesn't have the gumption to stand up for himself even though he should be the one calling the shots on Mondays.

And don't get us started on the whole Jason Jordan saga...

What else did you expect to see WWE do in 2017? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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Baron Corbin
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.