10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Charlotte

1. She Featured At WrestleMania XXX

Even though she€™s yet to debut on the WWE€™s full-time roster, Charlotte has in fact featured on the big stage. In fact, she featured on the Grandest Stage of Them All when she made a disguised cameo appearance at WrestleMania XXX. WrestingInc revealed that she was actually one of the three women and who accompanied Triple H to the ring ahead of his match with Daniel Bryan. During the grandiose King of Kings entrance, Charlotte can be seen to the right of the Game as she removes his elaborately designed cape. Sure, it may not be the WrestleMania debut that WWE Superstars and Divas spend their childhood dreaming of, but it€™s a neat little sidenote nonetheless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNQ0iFKTZvU Besides, a certain man who later went on to establish himself as the Best in the World made his first WrestleMania appearance as a part of the entrance of one of the company€™s top stars €“ so perhaps this could prove to be something of a good omen after all?
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