10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About The Rascalz/MSK

7. They Had A ‘Smoking’ Time With Their Impact Promos

Impact Wrestling

If you're curious about any witty comments you might read involving MSK passing the WWE drugs policy, then here's the reason...

During their Impact run, the then Rascalz ran a series of video promos which showed a strong affinity for a not-entirely-legal smokey green herb. In their various cloudy enclosures, Trey Miguel, Xavier and Wentz would conduct ridiculous conversations whilst under the influence (fully kayfabe). The segments were intentionally daft, had their own canned laughter, and on certain occasions ended in a slapstick brawl.

The 'Clubhouse'/'Treehouse' Smoke Sessions were an entertaining pit stop in the Impact programming, that displayed the trios' desire to make audiences laugh whilst showing their own willingness to poke fun at themselves. More often than not, they weren't alone in their escapades. Their hazy hideouts were visited by the likes of Santana and Ortiz, Scarlett Bordeaux, and Rob Van Dam, all of whom made a noble contribution to the comedic value of the segments.

It's certainly not something that would translate to the world of WWE, but fun was had regardless.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net