10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About The Rascalz/MSK

4. Nash Carter Is Married To Kimber Lee


Kimber Lee's wrestling resume is extensive and impressive. She ran a hefty gauntlet in the Indies and worked in WWE between 2016 and 2018, where she was known better as Abbey Laith. Last year she was signed to Impact and is currently working a heel angle with Deonna Purrazzo.

One might also be interested to know that Kimber Lee wrestled Keith Lee in an intergender match at Beyond Wrestling in 2018. Seriously, go watch it!

Kimber Lee and Nash Carter began their relationship back in 2018, and tied the knot in 2020. This does of course mean that they worked in Impact together, but their gimmicks placed them in very different spots. Also interesting is the fact that Carter's progression has taken him towards NXT, the very place that Lee departed two years prior.

Regardless of promotion, neither two have slowed down, and show zero sign of doing so. They continuously prove to be workhorses of the business... and happily married to boot.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net