10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About The Rascalz/MSK

2. They Are Funny As Hell

Impact Wrestling

With all past antics combined, it's an understatement to say that Wes Lee and Nash Carter are two very funny individuals, and they want the world to know it.

This wasn't just apparent in their Impact Smoke Session videos, as mentioned previously. They often fuse their humour with their in-ring work, exchanging witty quips during matches and throwing taunts at opponents and crowds alike. Simply put, they live their personas, and their personas appear to mainly involve having a blast, 24/7.

With the brand reset that NXT has given them. it's not yet clear if Triple H and co will cultivate Carter and Lee's natural talent for comedy. We haven't seen any evidence of it as of yet. But if that were to be the case, they undoubtedly have the makings of the next Miz and Morrison, or to pick more of a fan favourite, Edge and Christian from the year 2000. Perhaps they are simply being made to work for the privilege. One can only hope.

They probably won't have another bong noise in their entrance music, whatever the outcome.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net