10 Things WWE Fans Should Be Thankful For Right Now

2. The Future

There's plenty of grumbling going on about WWE's current booking, but you need to accept one thing - WWE have the greater good in mind. They are looking to the future, perhaps having to do one thing right now, so they can do something much better in time. The future is bright. John Cena is about to return, Brock Lesnar is about to return, The Undertaker will be back soon, the Royal Rumble is around the corner, Roman Reigns and several other young stars are hotter than ever... just accept that recent booking has been done to set a scene. There can't always be a great payoff in a year round booking cycle. Think of the bigger picture. WWE certainly is. Come WrestleMania, you may understand some of the recent booking choices a lot better. Don't throw the towel in on WWE just yet, and be thankful that there's still a lot of good to look forward to.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.