10 Things WWE Must Do Between Now And WrestleMania 31

5. Use The Network To Hype The Show

The WWE Network recently celebrated its first birthday. All hail the WWE Network, our supreme ruler and being. In all seriousness, the WWE Network has been a godsend for WWE fans and is one of WWE's most valuable marketing tools. WWE could do a lot with the Network in the run-up to WrestleMania to get fans excited for the show. WWE will obviously be frequently replaying and promoting past WrestleManias in the weeks leading up to the show, but there is more that WWE could be doing to get us hyped. Where exactly is the groundbreaking WrestleMania XIX documentary The Mania of WrestleMania? Where also is The True Story of WrestleMania? WWE fans want to see more backstage content and WWE has a lot more of it than they're letting us see. WWE got off to a good start with the WWE: 24 documentary on WrestleMania XXX, but they need to be doing a lot more with the footage that they have.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...