10 Things WWE Must Do In 2016

10. Decide What To Do With Daniel Bryan

What IS actually happening with Daniel Bryan? Nobody has been able to give a definite statement to his millions of fans around the world, not the WWE, not Bryan himself, nobody. He last wrestled in April on the spring tour of Europe, when he was pulled as a precautionary measure. The reasons for this was never formally revealed, but it was widely believed to be either related to concussions or neck problems, as Bryan has had problems with both over the course of years. A lot of this is believed to have stemmed from the hard-hitting style of wrestling presented by Ring of Honor, where he wrestled for years before coming to the WWE. Bryan, it seems, is stuck behind a rock and a hard place. His own personal doctor has cleared him to wrestle, but the WWE€™s doctor has taken a different view. This has meant that, while Bryan wants to resume wrestling, the WWE themselves are reluctant. He has apparently been offered roles as a trainer in NXT or a commentator, but, at the age of 34 (the same age as Finn Balor, just to put things in perspective), he feels that this would be a premature move, saying that €œright now it would be too soon€. His fans just want to know where they stand, rather than being left hanging or the best part of a year. The WWE don€™t want to release him as he has made it clear that he still wants to physically participate as a wrestler in recent interviews. He would most likely go to wrestle for TNA or New Japan if he was let go by the WWE, but the WWE don€™t want to let that happen either. In 2016, they need to bite the bullet and make a firm decision one way or the other.

Dean Ayass is a well known name to British wrestling fans. A commentator, manager, booker and ring announcer who has been involved in the business since 1993, Dean's insight into the business is second to none.