10 Things WWE Must Do In 2016

8. Hire Some New Commentators

The WWE€™s main roster commentary team is currently tired and predictable. Fans have never warmed to Michael Cole. JBL€™s commentary is littered with factual errors and regular references to his favourite sport of rugby, which is totally irrelevant to the product that he is commentating on. Byron Saxton is improving with practice but still comes across as nervous and lacking confidence. Jerry Lawler has been relegated to Smackdown and one has to wonder if it is only his brush with death on live WWE programming that is preventing the WWE from releasing him. Admittedly, they have started making some promising changes with the recent hiring of Mauro Ranallo. Ranallo is a Canadian commentator who has covered wrestling, MMA and Muay Thai for decades and his most recent assignment as the English language voice of New Japan Pro Wrestling has earned him rave reviews. William Regal was a superb commentator in the early days of NXT and he would make a welcome addition to the commentary desk. Raw desperately needs a makeover and reducing the commentary team from three to two, and bringing in some new voices would certainly make the product feel fresher.

Dean Ayass is a well known name to British wrestling fans. A commentator, manager, booker and ring announcer who has been involved in the business since 1993, Dean's insight into the business is second to none.