Jim Ross is one of the most beloved people in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment. It's why you can go on the internet, type his name in and find some crazy videos of people inserting JR's announcing calls over ridiculous clips that have nothing to do with wrestling. Of course, he had plenty of great moments in wrestling. He had a voice that WWE fans from 1993 until the late 2000s are going to remember forever. To a lot of wrestling fans, Ross is the best play by play announcer in the history of the business. While other names come up like Gordon Solie, Lance Russell or Gorilla Monsoon, it's Ross that most fans love the most. From moments like yelling "Stone Cold" at the top of his lungs to saying "Good God almighty he's broken in half" when Mankind fell off the cage, we will always have positive memories about the man affectionately known as Good Ol' JR. Now 62 years old, JR is no longer a WWE employee. Even though he was loved as an announcer and did a great job as a VP of talent relations from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s, he has been pushed aside. It doesn't make fans happy. We still want to hear him calling WWE matches instead of Michael Cole, who has become the voice of WWE that works on Raw, Smackdown, Main Event and every PPV too. It's time to look back at Ross' career to remember some of the things that WWE wants us to forget about him. Since he started in 1993 and ended things in 2013, we have 20 years of memories to pick from. Nothing that happened in WCW or elsewhere prior to WWE will be included because the "things to forget" series is about WWE things only. These are the things that WWE doesn't like to think about when talking about his legacy as an announcer. Here's a look at ten things WWE wants us to forget about their 2007 Hall of Fame announcer Jim Ross.
John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.