10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Mark Henry

4. When He Was Supposed To Be Chasing The Nexus, He Went Ahead Of Them

http://youtu.be/TKbjhYQTBEI The Nexus stable were wreaking havoc in WWE after their debut in 2010 and the entire WWE roster had to work together to make sure they weren't going to cause more trouble. On the June 14, 2010 edition of Raw, WWE Champion John Cena was in the ring talking about the whole roster was united in taking care of The Nexus. When the guys from The Nexus looked like they were going to attack Cena, other members of the WWE locker room showed up to fight them. The babyface members of WWE dominated the upstart heels including Mark Henry. Eventually the WWE superstars cleared the ring and they even chased after the Nexus group. One of the reasons this was so memorable was that Henry was actually in front of the Nexus guys while he was supposed to chase them. If he really wanted to get them, all he had to do was just stop, turn around and beat them up. Instead, he was running with them. Those guys left the building by going through the crowd while Henry went up the ramp, so he probably didn't realize he was ahead of them. The visual of Mark Henry running out of the building while Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield (Ryback) and others are behind him is pretty funny in a "what the hell are you doing?" kind of way. Slater even shoved him as he ran by. Henry followed the script because he was supposed to chase them out of them out of the building, but he wasn't supposed to get ahead of them during the chase. Oops.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.