Rob Van Dam is one of the most successful professional wrestlers of the last twenty years. He's also somebody that, based on his popularity, probably should have been a consistent main eventer with multiple WWE Title reigns under his belt. Instead, he's a guy that will best remembered for being an upper midcarder for the majority of his career with only one major WWE Title reign to his credit. He started wrestling in the early 90s, became a household name in ECW, made the full time jump to WWE right after they had bought WCW and quickly became one of the most beloved performers in the biggest company in the world. With his career likely winding down soon (he'll be 44 years old later this year), it's time reflect on some of the things that WWE wants us to forget about Rob Van Dam. Like with everybody else in wrestling, there are things that WWE likes to keep under the radar. They don't want to put these things over on Raw or Smackdown. They might talk about them on some DVDs over the years, but those are only visible to a small portion of the audience. Here are the then things that WWE wants you to forget about Mr. Monday Night, Mr. PPV, The Whole Damn (or F'N) Show...Rob Van Dam.
John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.