10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Triple H

1. Simulating A Sexual Act With "Katie Vick"

"I screwed your brains out." When I did this same feature about Kane a couple of weeks ago, guess who topped that list? Katie Vick. She is the "winner" of this one too. After Kane had a great night and was the happiest he's ever been, Hunter showed up to deliver some bad news. He mentioned the name Katie Vick. Kane freaked out. Hunter told the world that Kane killed her and called him a murderer. Soon after that, Hunter put on a Kane mask, went to a funeral and simulated a sexual act on Katie Vick, which was actually a dummy that was in a casket. The act was one of the most controversial in WWE history. I can remember it was edited out of the broadcast here in Canada. It should have never aired because it was so stupid. Why was any of this going to make me care about a World Title feud? It didn't. It was awful storytelling for two character that should have been above this awful storyline. I also find it amazing that Hunter would go along with the angle because at this point of his life he was dating Stephanie and a year later he would marry her, so he probably had the power to say no. I guess it shows that he was always a team player no matter what his personal life situation was like. The Katie Vick angle is one of the worst storylines in wrestling history. It did nothing for Kane, did nothing for Hunter and certainly did nothing for us wrestling fans that felt embarrassed that we had to watch this crap. Even though Triple H has had some bad moments, he has a lot to be proud of too. Fans should respect all that he's done in his career. They should also hope that nothing as bad as the Katie Vick angle ever happens again.
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Troll Hunter
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.