10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Raw

10. Hornswoggle Is Vince's Son

The list begins with an example of poor writing at its most frustrating. While booking Hornswoggle as Vince's illegitimate son may have garnered an initial cheap pop, the decision was another incident in which the WWE got its priorities badly wrong. The storyline began as an intriguing one, with the superstar eventually revealed as Vince's offspring surely in for a big heel push. Instead, the reveal of Hornswoggle wasted the angle's beneficial potential, proving so short-sighted a decision that it was reversed before long. With Finlay established as the real father, all fans had left was the thought of what might have been. Mr Kennedy (at the time a hot up and coming star, believe it or not!) was rumoured to be the initial choice in mind, especially once identity of the son was narrowed down to a roster member with fair hair. Although its hasty to assume Kennedy would have gone on to be an era-defining star as a result, it remains an example of the WWE blowing a potentially hot storyline in favour of unappealing comedy.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.