6. His 'Bully' Gimmick
WWE's decision to give Ryback a heel bully gimmick was an incredibly dubious one - especially as it came some two years after the start of the 'Be A STAR' anti-bullying campaign. Strangely, despite partaking in classic bullying activities (physical intimidation, assault, verbal abuse) Ryback's promos seemed to revolve around the fact that he hated bullies, which made absolutely no sense. The whole angle could perhaps have been excused if Ryback was given his just desserts, but the gimmick was brushed under the carpet. Sure, he lost a feud to CM Punk, but he never was never really given comeuppance for his actions. Instead, he was ditched by former mentor Paul Heyman, leading to some sort of weak half-turn. The bullying gimmick isn't referenced at all these days, although having a dastardly heel (perhaps Kevin Owens) call out Ryback on his old ways would make for a compelling feud. Sadly, WWE would probably rather the whole thing was forgotten.