10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About The New Day
What happened to your Jamaican accent?

The New Day rocks. That isn't just a chant anymore - it's indisputable, undeniable fact that the trio of Big E, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods is one of the best things about the WWE product, something that will probably remain true for at least as long as it takes for their merchandise sales to taper off.
The group have essentially accomplished (although not quite to the same degree) what The Rock did 15 years earlier. On paper, their act seems corny and even a little embarrassing, but in practice it just works, and few fans can resist the opportunity to join in a communal chant-along given half a chance.
It hasn't all been plain sailing, though. Despite what their future Hall of Fame package may say, New Day wasn't an instant success, and since its three members all led their own individual careers before being thrown together a couple of years ago, they each have their own back-stories too.
All of that is to imply that there have been one or two missteps along the way, and given WWE's proclivity for rewriting or else just heavily embellishing history to suit its own ends, it's likely that some of this stuff won't be getting an official airing any time soon.
10. Kofi's Jamaican Accent
In the official WWE history books, it will presumably be written that Kofi Kingston, Big E and Xavier Woods were life-long childhood friends who each fulfilled their ambitions of reaching the WWE at precisely the same time. Of course, this isn't really how it happened.
In fact, Kofi was making waves inside Vince McMahon's ring whilst his future teammates were trying to keep their heads above water in FCW and TNA respectively.
During this period, fans were told that Kofi Kingston was Jamaican, and not just Jamaican but possibly the proudest Jamaican in the whole world. He came to the ring wearing his country's colours, and even named his finisher in its honour.
It was only in the run-up to Bragging Rights 2009 that WWE decided that the Jamaican Sensation was actually a regular old American. He was forced to come clean after Triple H spotted that his accent and gimmick didn't match. The rest, as they say, is history.