10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About The New Day

8. New Day Sucks!

The New Day are one of the most popular acts among WWE fans of all shapes and sizes these days, but those of us who have been watching for more than two years will remember that it wasn't exactly love at first sight.

The audience pretty much roundly rejected the trio in the early, experimental stages, possibly owing (or maybe we're just giving fans too much credit here) to the fact that the stereotypical, gospel-themed shtick in which they used to trade simply came off cartoonish and, to some, a little offensive.

It was only after they moved away from the more controversial elements of their persona that those pesky New Day Sucks chants began to die out, and the company in turn became confident in their ability to have another go at a face turn.

It's not exactly unusual for wrestlers to have to fine-tune their characters before finding their feet (as previous entries show), but after being accused by some quarters of racism, WWE would probably prefer it in this case if we forgot about the teething problems.

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Kofi Kingston
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