10 Things You Didn't Know About Cody Rhodes

2. Was Given 'Stardust' Name As A Child

As mentioned earlier, Cody Rhodes excelled as an amateur wrestler. It was during his time as an amateur that he was handed a nickname which would strangely play a part in his pro wrestling career. As a bright-eyed 12 year old, Cody was named 'The Stardust Kid' by his father, Dusty Rhodes. The name is something he has carried with him throughout his entire life. Cody liked the name, even as a child. In 2014, he'd prance onto WWE television as Stardust. Teaming with his brother, Goldust, the pair would go on to win the WWE Tag-Team Titles. It must have felt good for Cody to play the character, because it was loosely based on one he had come up with as a kid. He's yet to find much success since dropping the Tag Titles, mind. Over the past 18 months, the character has changed in many ways. Using different colours for his face paint and outfits, Stardust currently resides in the lower mid card area. It doesn't seem like WWE are interested in pushing the gimmick, but it's still worthwhile noting that Cody Rhodes came up with it when he was a small boy. Even better, the late Dusty Rhodes had a hand in it, so Cody now uses the moniker as a tribute.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.