10 Things You Didn't Know About Doink The Clown

2. Doink's 2003 Comeback Could Have Been Full Time

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wfmd_NJv_bM By 2003, Doink The Clown had only been seen a handful of times since being largely discarded in 1995. The most memorable appearances were by Ray Apollo at Wrestlemania X-Seven, briefly wrestling in the now infamous Gimmick Battle Royal. Other than that, Chris Jericho had donned the clown suit during his feud with William Regal in 2001. On both occasions, the character was greeted favourably by audiences, showing once again that even though fans may have wanted the gimmick to go away in the mid-90's, there was perhaps still house room for it in the rebranded WWE. In 2003, fans of Doink would get their wish - Nick Dinsmore, who would eventually play Eugene, was put under the make-up and wig, appearing in the APA Invitational at Vengeance in July '03, as well as facing Chris Benoit on an episode of Smackdown. Rumour has it that there was potential for the gimmick to become a regular again, as management were impressed with how Dinsmore had portrayed the clown, and the reaction the character had received from live crowds. No doubt about it, had the guy played Doink, his career would have a been a hell of a lot different, and fans may never have been treated to some of the cool moments Eugene would enjoy, but it would have been interesting to see what he could have done with Doink.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.