10 Things You Didn't Know About Howard Finkel

9. He Came Up With The WrestleMania Name

Howard Finkel

When Vince McMahon was coming up the idea of a super show to illustrate just how superior his wrestling brand was, he needed a name.

Throwing ideas around in a board meeting, McMahon was originally more inline with calling the event ‘Colossal Tussle,’ in all of its 80s naff-sounding glory. However, inspired by memories of the 1960s cultural phenomenon Beatlemania, Howard Finkel suggested the name WrestleMania.

While, if you think about it, the name of the show is a little old-fashioned, it has become synonymous with spectacle and entertainment. We have The Fink to thank for that.


I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.