10 Things You Didn't Know About Liv Morgan
4. Liv Struggled To Adapt To WWE Structure

Airport woes were the least of Liv's worries when she finally signed a WWE contract. She'd never really followed any set structure in her life up until that point, and that made accountability tough. Morgan constantly turned up late for training sessions at the PC, and her natural rebellion kicked in when it felt like she "was being parented for the first time".
Liv literally grew up under WWE's watch.
WWE officials made sure to keep her in line, and she did get a few verbal warnings, but the company were mostly patient. They said they realised she was a kid learning the ropes of life as well as the ring, and that's why they were lenient on mistakes. Still, Morgan feels her perpetual tardiness was probably a logistical nightmare for management.
It wasn't uncommon for her to turn up to WWE responsibilities an hour after she was supposed to, and it took Liv a while before she understood why that was unacceptable.