10 Things You Didn't Know About Sami Zayn

2. He€™s Quite The Traveller

Back to Zayn€™s pre-WWE days again, and another fact from the aforementioned Talk is Jericho podcast reveals just how well-travelled Zayn really is. While discussing his ongoing programme with Neville in NXT, Zayn revealed that he and the Geordie star had actually wrestled in an incredible total of 14 different countries. The list includes Canada, USA, Puerto Rico, Japan, Spain, Germany, England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Romania, Bulgaria, France, and one final nation that Zayn and Neville neglected to mention. Records like that demonstrate the oxymoron that NXT presents. These guys are deemed to be the newcomers and rookies of the business, but their indie history means that they€™re often amongst the most experienced guys in the WWE locker room. Joining the company with such storied careers can only be a good thing for these €œrookies€, suggesting that they€™re more than capable of surviving and thriving once they make it to the big time.
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Sami Zayn
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