10 Things You Didn't Know About Seth Rollins

10. Connection With Kamala

Seth Rollins has a connection with an unlikely WWE superstar. He shares the same birthday as The Ugandan Giant, Kamala. Both men were born on May 28th, Kamala in 1950 and Rollins in 1986. In fact, Kamala was appearing on WWF's Tuesday Night Titans just weeks before Rollins was born. The Ugandan infamously ate a live chicken on the show, which sums up the vast differences between Kamala and Rollins' respective eras. Kamala was one of the most cartoony characters of the whole cartoon era. Rollins in contrast has built his own career on a foundation of in-ring wrestling efforts. Everything else like promos and character came secondary. At heart, Rollins is a wrestler, whereas his birthday sharer was always an entertainer.
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