10 Things You Didn't Know About Seth Rollins

7. History With Dean Ambrose

Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose go back much further than The Shield. They were the stand out guys in FCW / NXT and worked one of the most exciting feuds in that brand's history. Ambrose was immediately pushed in shots for Rollins' title. The pair had some great matches and it was obvious that they had natural chemistry with each other. This is partly why WWE initially put them together in The Shield, as they were viewed as the best of FCW / NXT's roster. It is also the reason why WWE promoted Ambrose vs Rollins after The Shield broke up, as it was a proven match up that guaranteed strong content. The pair ended up main eventing WWE pay per views in the latter half of 2014, including a memorable Hell In A Cell main event. It was a long way from the small warehouses of FCW and testament to the chemistry that they've got as a pair.
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