10 Things You Didn't Know About Shawn Michaels

2. Planned To Propose To Sunny

shawn michaels sunny

When it comes to Shawn Michaels and Sunny, one doesn’t really know what to believe. Many a wrestler has talked about the relationship between the two, whilst Shawn always plays down anything Sunny-related, and Sunny in turn seems to daily change her slant on what really went on.

The general consensus is that Shawn and Sunny had a 9-month relationship, although stories vary on whether this was an affair whilst Sunny was still with Chris Candido or if Sunny and Candido had actually taken a break. During this time, it’s also believed that Bret Hart and Sunny had ‘a thing’ too. Oh, and then there’s the time that Sunny was caught in the showers with Davey Boy Smith as well. Quite the popular girl was Tammy Sytch.

Michaels himself has not confirmed it, but several former superstars and even Sunny herself at times have said that Shawn planned to propose to Sunny and that the two planned to build a house together and live happily ever after. Obviously that never happened, with Shawn’s “Sunny days” finally coming to an end after the events of the Montreal Screwjob, in which Sunny walked out on the WWF over their treatment of Hart.

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Senior Writer

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