10 Things You Didn't Know About Tatanka
1. Vince McMahon Wanted To Make Him An Evil Casino Owner In 2006

Yes, you read that right.
So Tatanka came back to WWE in full-time in early 2006 but he failed to get over as desired. That might have had something to do with the antiquated gimmick, the fact he hadn't been a full-time talent in a decade and his pedestrian ring style, but I digress...
His face run just wasn't clicking, and so it was pitched by members of the writing team that he'd be turned heel in a bid to freshen up his character and save his comeback from bombing. Vince and Stephanie were receptive to the idea (as was locker-room leader The Undertaker) and so they set about coming up with a new direction.
According to former SmackDown writer Jensen Karp, Vince's idea was to turn Tatanka into a villainous casino owner. The news caused the writer to do a spit-take since it was so blatantly offensive and stereotypical. Vince told the room how he visualised Tatanka coming out in jeans and a leather jacket and bragging about how much money he was making, tax-free, and all on the 'white man's' land.
This was after they had filmed vignettes at a real reservation and had Vince tell the writing team how serious his heritage and history were and how it must be treated with the utmost respect. Adding to the bizarre nature of it all, Vince wanted the gimmick to debut on the Thanksgiving episode of SmackDown, because why not, eh?
The gimmick change (mercifully) never made it to TV but Tatanka, rather oddly, wasn't upset when it was pitched to him. Members of the creative team expected him to blow a gasket when informed of the plans.
On the contrary, according to Karp he was happy to have storyline ideas and was ready to roll with it before it was nixed.