10 Things You Didn't Know About The Dynamite Kid
Pay offs, drug addictions, ribs and pure wrestling genius...

By it's very nature, dynamite causes a brief, explosive scene and then fades away. In that sense, Tom Billington's ring name, The Dynamite Kid, was more fitting than anyone could have known when he first bounced onto the UK circuit in the late-'70s.
A tremendously gifted, athletic and robust worker, Dynamite influenced oodles of pro wrestlers and had already cemented himself as one of the most amazing performers of his generation before he reached WWE in the mid-'80s. Now, he's gone, sadly passing away on his 60th birthday, but we're still left with memories.
Dynamite, a notoriously gruff individual, didn't do too many interviews throughout his career or afterwards during the final years of his life. We should be grateful then for those he did do; it's because of those chats with the old Power Slam mag and through details in The Wrestling Observer that everyone can enjoy, marvel or frankly gasp at some of these stories here.
You'll learn what Dynamite's biggest ever pay off was in the WWF, how his relationships broke down, his thoughts on Hulk Hogan and just how much he was spending to feed his tragic drug habits during his prime.